AAUW Berkeley Graduate Student Scholarship

Applications for funds in the 21/22 academic school year (August 2021-May 2022) are now closed. Please visit our website for updates on the next scholarship cycle.

AAUW Berkeley is excited to offer scholarships to support graduate students for the Fall 2021!
The Graduate Student Scholarships funding cycle of 21/22 AAUW Berkeley will prioritize supporting scholars in the Arts and Humanities with financial need from the following communities: *women, **underrepresented minorities (URM), ***LGBTQIA+, and students with disabilities. No citizenship requirements to apply.

Scholarship Award Details: 

  1. Award Amount: $1000
  2. Timeline: 
    • Applications Deadline Extended: Sunday, October 3rd, 2021, 11:59PM PDT
  3. Eligibility:
    • AAUW Berkeley Graduate Student Scholarships are open to scholars in the Arts and Humanities, list of majors here.
    • Applicants must be enrolled graduate level students at UC Berkeley.
    • There are no citizenship requirements. 
  4. General Regulations:
    • Funds are available to cover basic living and/or education needs (including food, housing, travel, tech needs etc).
  5. Application Submission and Required Components:
    • Complete the online application
    • Provide a PDF copy of CV/resume.
    • Provide proof of enrollment in a UCB graduate program (any document that is accessible to you that shows you are a currently enrolled graduate student for 20/21 academic year)

* Women: inclusive of gender-fluid, non-binary, intersex, and transgender students
** URM: Student from underrepresented minority groups as identified by the UC System include African American, Chicano/Latino, Native American/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders
*** LGBTQIA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Plus.

Note on Confidentiality: AAUW Berkeley will not share any personal information submitted by candidates in their application. All information shared in the submission process is considered confidential. Demographic information collected will be used to evaluate the program without identifying individuals.